

Our homes are sold to individuals and families who have a need for safe, decent and affordable housing. Since 1997, we have built 99 homes in St. Charles County. Our next home will be our 100th home!

Process to becoming a homeowner

Applicants must meet our income guidelines, have reasonable credit histories, a manageable level of debt and be willing and able to perform up to 300-450 hours of “sweat equity” to build their own homes. The entire process including the selection process, building of the home and sweat equity can take about a year.

Our selection process for interested applicants includes a review of financial status, job history, and other qualifications.

WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Please contact Shana Eubanks, Homeowner Support Manager, via email shana@habitatstcharles.org to express interest in the program so that we can continue to keep you informed.